BitTorrent Server on Raspberry Pi

Here is a straightforward process to turn your Raspberry Pi into a high performance Bit-torrent server that can be used to download or upload Bit-torrent. Using Raspberry Pi as a BitTorrent can be good for users who are using more than one OS or hardware or prefer to download their stuff in the background while … Read more

Korora 21 Darla Cinnamon Review

Korora Linux is a Linux distribution based on Fedora. Korora is a supercharged build of Fedora that comes with various flavors that make the Linux experience even better. It offers some desktop environments, that official spins of Fedora don’t offer. Korora offers Cinnamon based distribution that sports the Cinnamon desktop environment, that we are going … Read more

How to install and setup GitLab Community Edition on Ubuntu

GitLab is an open source web-based Git repository manager with features like GitHub like wiki, issue tracking. GitLab CE lets developers host a GitLab instance on their own servers that lets developers store source code on their own private server that gives them more freedom, and lets them choose the type of hardware they prefer to serve this purpose, GitLab also is a cost effective solution to other Enterprise options like GitHub. GitLab also offers hosted GitLab for developers that prefer GitLab and don’t feel the need to host their own version of GitLab, the hosted GitLab comes with a limit of 1 GB per repository.

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How to install Harp on Ubuntu

Harp is a web static server with pre-processing for Ejs, Jade, Sass, Stylus, Markdown, Harp is written in Node.js. Harp lets you create a static website without any pain. The Harp web server does require any pre-configuration before running. Harp is not limited to creating a static website, It can also be used as a … Read more