How to install and setup GitLab Community Edition on Ubuntu

GitLab is an open source web-based Git repository manager with features like GitHub like wiki, issue tracking. GitLab CE lets developers host a GitLab instance on their own servers that lets developers store source code on their own private server that gives them more freedom, and lets them choose the type of hardware they prefer to serve this purpose, GitLab also is a cost effective solution to other Enterprise options like GitHub. GitLab also offers hosted GitLab for developers that prefer GitLab and don’t feel the need to host their own version of GitLab, the hosted GitLab comes with a limit of 1 GB per repository.

Recently GitLab CE comes with pre-composed packages that makes the installation process hassle free. Let’s install GitLab CE.

System requirements

  • 1 GB RAM (required)
  • 1 Code processor.
  • 10 GB of disk space

The higher specification your system will have the better GitLab will perform.

GitLab requirements

sudo apt-get install openssh-server postfix -y

Once the packages are installed you will be greeted by a postfix setup screen that will ask you for a hostname, you can choose the host name you prefer.
– Downloading the pre-composed GitLab CE Debian package.
– – If you are using Wget go ahead.

setup screen that will ask you for a hostname, you can choose the host name you prefer.
– Downloading the pre-composed GitLab CE Debian package.
– – If you are using Wget go ahead.

Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
If you prefer `curl`
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)
curl -# -L -O
Code language: PHP (php)

– You can edit the gitlab.rb if needed or go ahead the skip this step.

editor /etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb

You can find the official documentation over here and official website.

  • Reconfiguring the GitLab (This is a crucial step)
sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

Now you can visit the

The default username is:


the default password is


The system will ask you to set the new password, you can change the settings in the admin area if required depending on your need.

Thank you reading if you have any question feel free to leave a comment below.