How to install Cinnamon on Ubuntu

Cinnamon is a desktop environment based on GTK+ 3. Cinnamon is also one of the Desktop Environments that comes ship with Linux Mint, In Ubuntu Cinnamon is a regular package that must be installed manually by the user and does not ship with it. Cinnamon that ships with Linux Mint is tweaked by the Linux Mint Team and comes with all the Cinnamon packages and extra packages too, On the other hand in Ubuntu Cinnamon is a package that comes with its panels and default theme, Cinnamon also is very easy to use and customize. The latest version of Cinnamon can be installed using a PPA.

Adding ppa to the local package repository database.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lestcape/cinnamon  

You now must update your local package repository database.

sudo apt-get updateCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Now you can install Cinnamon.

sudo apt-get install cinnamonCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Now you have Cinnamon Desktop Environment installed on your Ubuntu system.

If the install gives an issue you can easily uninstall it to. The commands need to be followed to remove Cinnamon completely.

sudo apt-get purge cinnamonCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

To remove the repository from your local package repository database.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lestcape/cinnamon –remove
sudo apt-get updateCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

If you have any questions feel free to leave a comment below.