Posted inArticles, Linux

Create a blog in Harp

Harp is a free, open source static site server written in Node.js, It support EJS and Jade for templating and Sass,Scss, Less and Stylus for stylesheets pre-processing and Markdown for writing pages. What do I mean by static site server? A static site allows you to use pre-processor for writing templates, scripts, stylesheets, and pages, […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Switching to Harp

After using WordPress for many years, I finally decided to test many services like PAAS (Platform As A Service). I always choose WordPress to test such platforms as it turned out to be a good CMS and seemed to be really user friendly as it was written in PHP and used MySQL as a database […]

Posted inArticles

How to install Harp on Ubuntu

Harp is a web static server with pre-processing for Ejs, Jade, Sass, Stylus, Markdown, Harp is written in Node.js. Harp lets you create a static website without any pain. The Harp web server does require any pre-configuration before running. Harp is not limited to creating a static website, It can also be used as a […]