Rust on Mac

Rust is systems programming language gaining popularity due to its “safe, concurrent, practical language”, being memory safe while maintaining performance is the reason why so many people are adopting it as their systems language of choice, winning the first place for “most loved programming language” in the Stack Overflow Developer Survey in 2016 and 2017. … Read more

How to create a sketch app in JavaScript using P5.JS

I have been learning P5.JS for a while now and though it would be nice to share the process and progress in form of a tutorial, which will motivate me to continue learning and give others access to it. We will learn how to create a sketch app. I have kept it as basic as … Read more

Good Bootstrap practices

programming language

Bootstrap is a CSS(Cascading Style Sheets) library developed by Twitter that lets you create responsive websites with easy to understand naming convention and well-designed grid system. It has gained popularity due to its easy of use and pre-processor support, here are some good practices that will make your Bootstrap powered environment clean and easy to … Read more

Create a blog in Harp

Harp is a free, open source static site server written in Node.js, It support EJS and Jade for templating and Sass,Scss, Less and Stylus for stylesheets pre-processing and Markdown for writing pages. What do I mean by static site server? A static site allows you to use pre-processor for writing templates, scripts, stylesheets, and pages, … Read more

Adding meta description to Jekyll

Jekyll is a blog-aware static website generator written in Ruby that uses Liquid for templating and Markdown or Textile for writing posts and pages. Jekyll also supports CSS pre-processors like SASS, LESS. Here is an uncomplicated way to add meta description to your Jekyll-powered website. Meta description helps search engine bots display a summary of … Read more