When to use a static site?

Static sites are great they don’t require a Database or pre-processors and they don’t require any complex server sided setup to get working. All you need is a web server that is set to serve a static folder. In the earlier days of the Internet, everything was static and had to be written because pre-processors … Read more

How to install Harp on Ubuntu

Harp is a web static server with pre-processing for Ejs, Jade, Sass, Stylus, Markdown, Harp is written in Node.js. Harp lets you create a static website without any pain. The Harp web server does require any pre-configuration before running. Harp is not limited to creating a static website, It can also be used as a … Read more

Adding meta description to Jekyll

Jekyll is a blog-aware static website generator written in Ruby that uses Liquid for templating and Markdown or Textile for writing posts and pages. Jekyll also supports CSS pre-processors like SASS, LESS. Here is an uncomplicated way to add meta description to your Jekyll-powered website. Meta description helps search engine bots display a summary of … Read more