Posted inArticles, Linux

Kickstart Neovim on Linux

Kickstart.nvim is a starter configuration for Neovim that is small, single-file and well-documented. You can use it as a starting point to create your custom configuration. I have been using it for a while now with a few changes. Setting up Kickstart.nvim Creating the config directory (Skip this step if you already have it setup) […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Upgrade Ubuntu from EOL to GA

If you have an unattended Ubuntu desktop or server running an old or non-long-term release, it’s time to upgrade to the current generally available release. Follow this guide to upgrade from End Of Life to General Availability. You can check what release of Ubuntu you have installed by running the command below. If you encounter […]

Posted inArticles, Blender, Windows

Install Blender using Winget

You can learn more about what Winget is over here. Install Blender using Winget Step 1. Open Command PromptYou can open the command prompt by pressing the Windows key + R and then typing in that window cmd.exe and press enter. Step 2. Run the install command shown below and press enter To install the LTS version of […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

How to install Docker on Rocky Linux

Docker is a platform for developers and system administrators to develop, ship, and run applications in containers. Containers are lightweight, portable, and self-sufficient environments that allow applications to run consistently across different environments. It allows developers to package their applications and dependencies into a container, which can then be easily deployed and run on any […]