Posted inArticles, Linux

WordPress app for Mac/Windows/Linux

WordPress recently announced their clients for Mac, Windows and Linux, this app gives you access to the WordPress dashboard as a native client to the supported platform you are using. So now you can access all your self-hosted WordPress (requires Jetpack to be enabled) or your hosted WordPress blogs, with the beautifully designed WordPress dashboard. […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Linux Kernel 4.3 on Ubuntu

[Linux Kernel]( 4.3 ships with *20.6* million lines of code with support for [Skylake]( lines of CPU by [Intel]( So Skylake based hardware can run efficiently with good stability. The performance improvement is noticeable on some hardware’s running this build of Kernel on Ubuntu based Linux distributions (I have not worked on this personally these […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Create a blog in Harp

Harp is a free, open source static site server written in Node.js, It support EJS and Jade for templating and Sass,Scss, Less and Stylus for stylesheets pre-processing and Markdown for writing pages. What do I mean by static site server? A static site allows you to use pre-processor for writing templates, scripts, stylesheets, and pages, […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Switching to Harp

After using WordPress for many years, I finally decided to test many services like PAAS (Platform As A Service). I always choose WordPress to test such platforms as it turned out to be a good CMS and seemed to be really user friendly as it was written in PHP and used MySQL as a database […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Fedora 22 is out!

Fedora is an RPM based Linux distribution. A new release of Fedora has been made available “Fedora 22”. You can download it from the links below. Fedora Workstation Fedora BitTorrent links. Fedora-Live-Design_suite-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Design_suite-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Design_suite-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Games-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Games-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Jam_KDE-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Jam_KDE-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-KDE-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-KDE-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-LXDE-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-LXDE-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-MATE_Compiz-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-MATE_Compiz-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Robotics-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Robotics-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Scientific_KDE-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Scientific_KDE-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Security-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Security-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-SoaS-i686-22.torrent Fedora-Live-SoaS-x86_64-22.torrent Fedora-Live-Workstation-i686-22.torrent