How to isolate objects in Blender 2.8

There are many advantages to work with isolated objects, isolating an object or part of a mesh, it lets you focus specifically on a certain area of the scene, this helps to analyze the scene better, it is also lighter for the viewport to compute while working on a big or heavy Blender scene file. … Read more

How to install Pygame on Fedora Linux

Nintendo Switch on black surface

Pygame is an open source cross-platform Python module used for designing and scripting video games.

Pygame can be a great module to use on a device like Raspberry Pi.

I tried using Pip to install Pygame, but that did not work, here is the right way to get it installed on Fedora.

Pygame is available as a package in Fedora’s repository.

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Linux WiFi drivers for 2012 MacBook Pro (Offline method)

person using laptop

Most Linux distributions don’t ship with the wireless drivers for the MacBook Pro 2012.

This method should work on any Linux distribution that supports this firmware.

This is an offline method; you will need a second computer to copy the zip archive specified and moved to the MacBook Pro 2012 or use Ethernet (with adapter) to download this archive.

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