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Deno is a secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript.

Deno is basically Node reversed.

We will install Deno on Fedora.

Enter the following commands in the Terminal.

curl -fsSL | shCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

The next step is specifying Deno’s path to bash.

Open .bashrc and add the lines below to it.

nano ~/.bashrc
export DENO_INSTALL="/home/$USER/.deno"
Code language: Bash (bash)

Open a new Terminal instance.

Enter the following command.


Run the following command.

deno run language: JavaScript (javascript)

Happy Coding!

I compiled a list of software and services that I use to improve my workflow, here is the link to the list.

Darryl Dias

I’m Darryl. I’m a 3D Artist, Programmer and Linux enthusiast. On this site I share my insights, tips and tricks, tutorials, methods and best practices.