Posted inArticles

Node.js on OSX

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, If you are not already familiar with what Node.js is, you can learn more over it from here. We will be using Homebrew to install Node.js, Homebrew makes it more easier to install and upgrade Node.js. […]

Posted inArticles

MacVim on OSX

MacVim is a text/source editor for Mac that offers Vim built around GUI, that comes with extra features and support Mac-based keyboard shortcuts, which makes it very handy to use, MacVim added interactive interface like menus to tasks that had to be done using commands or keyboard shortcuts. It’s like GVim on Linux. Installing Homebrew […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Create a blog in Harp

Harp is a free, open source static site server written in Node.js, It support EJS and Jade for templating and Sass,Scss, Less and Stylus for stylesheets pre-processing and Markdown for writing pages. What do I mean by static site server? A static site allows you to use pre-processor for writing templates, scripts, stylesheets, and pages, […]

Posted inArticles

Why comment your code?

> It lets other know why that piece of code needs to be there in the first place. While learning programming most of us forget how important it is to comment as you are writing code and over time we ignore it. At first, it might not seem to be a very important step, but […]