Posted inArticles

Take a break!

Working on a project for hours is a thing now for me, it might be a web development project, graphics designing or Animation. I work for hours daily, spend most of the time in web development and the rest of the time in graphics designing or animating, it tends to happen that every time I […]

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Learning Animation

Animation is the field of artists, where a large amount of creativity and skills is everything you need to get success and one of the best way to display creativity and create amazing motion picture. Its fun to watch Animated film, TV shows and short clip. It is one of the best sources of entertainment […]

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CSS: Social share buttons

I designed social share buttons for [Twitter](, [Facebook]( and [Google Plus](, all these buttons are written in pure CSS and part of a project I have been working on. It’s clean and simple, you can add them to your website, it’s hosted on my CDN. “` The CDN is not longer available “` Markup of […]

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Disable wp-admin redirect in Ghost

Ghost by default has redirect settings, so WordPress users who have migrated to Ghost, can visit the same old /wp-admin url and get redirected to the /ghost url, to access the Ghost Admin. This is a useful functionality for users who have migrated to Ghost, who didn’t have knowledge that Ghost uses /ghost instead of […]

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Custom permalinks in Ghost

Ghost by default only lets you have dated permalink :year/:month/:day/:slug Or title :title based with is set by default. You can change this by editing the SQLite Database and updating the permalink column, this will let you have custom URL for your posts, this will only affect URLs of your posts and not pages. Backup […]