Relative line number in Neovim (Lua)
To enable relative line number, add the following line to your init.lua. Save this file by doing a :w or Shift + z repeat z. The next time you open Neovim, you should see the relative line number enabled.
3D Artist and Cloud Computing Specialist
To enable relative line number, add the following line to your init.lua. Save this file by doing a :w or Shift + z repeat z. The next time you open Neovim, you should see the relative line number enabled.
To install Mozilla Firefox using Winget, you first need to ensure that you have Winget installed on your Windows 10/11 PC. You can check if Winget is installed by opening a command prompt or Windows Terminal instance and running the following command. If Winget is installed, this command will print the version number of the … Read more
Minikube is a tool that makes it easy to run a single-node Kubernetes cluster locally on your computer. It allows developers to test and experiment with Kubernetes without needing a remote cluster. Minikube runs a virtual machine on your local machine and then deploys a cluster inside that virtual machine. It uses virtualization software such … Read more
If you use WSL, you might have noticed that from time to time you will encounter errors and issues with Linux utilities, tools, and programs that are time-sensitive. This is because the time in the WSL environment is different or not the same as the host (your computer). To fix this issue on [Ubuntu WSL] … Read more
The lscpu command is a helpful utility for displaying information about the CPU (Central Processing Unit) on a Linux system. This command can be used to obtain detailed information about the CPU, including the number of CPU cores, the CPU type, the CPU speed, and the type of CPU architecture. To use the lscpu command, … Read more