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Composer on Mac

Composer is a dependency manager for PHP, that lets you manage dependencies by offering install/uninstall and options like creating projects. It manages dependencies for you, big projects like Laravel framework and CMS like Grav use it to manage dependencies. It’s easy to install it on Mac, all you have to do is run this curl […]

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Homebrew on Mac

Homebrew is a package manager written in Ruby for Mac OS X which lets you install and setup packages that are not part of the system or need come from a different source. Homebrew is commonly used by developers of all types to replace outdated system packages or install will lesser or no hassle, Homebrew […]

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IO.JS on Mac

IO.JS is a folk of Node.js that uses the latest build of Google’s V8 Engine and supports ES6, in some performance benchmarks IO.JS is faster than Node.js The performance benchmarks of IO.JS vs Node.js can be found over here. IO.JS is recommended if you are working on a new project, if you are using a […]

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Emmet for Atom

Emmet is a plugin available for popular text editors that let you write HTML abbreviations without having to directly write HTML tags, instead use Emmet’s shortcuts. It reduces the amount of HTML the user must write and increases efficiency and saves precious time. A simple example. All you have to do is hit TAB it […]

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Disable wp-admin redirect in Ghost

Ghost by default has redirect settings, so WordPress users who have migrated to Ghost, can visit the same old /wp-admin url and get redirected to the /ghost url, to access the Ghost Admin. This is a useful functionality for users who have migrated to Ghost, who didn’t have knowledge that Ghost uses /ghost instead of […]