Brackets on Debian/Ubuntu…

[![Brackets](]( Adobe Brackets (once known as Edge) is an Open-Source cross-platform source/text editor for Web development written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Brackets is free and licensed under the MIT License and maintained on GitHub. Currently, Brackets has yet to achieve version 1.0. It gets updates roughly twice a month. Brackets, at the time, is under … Read more

Node.js installation for Raspberry Pi…

Node.js is a brilliant platform for creating network applications. It is mainly known for its non-blocking I/O and event driven system. In simple terms, Node.js can easily handle a large number of requests while simultaneously consuming lesser server memory. These are the attributes one should be looking for in a low power server like, you guessed it, Raspberry Pi. Here, you’ll learn how to setup Node.js for Raspberry Pi.

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