Posted inArticles, Linux, Tutorials

Atom on Arch Linux

Atom is a cross platform open source text/source code editor developed by GitHub written in C++, Node.js, Coffee Script, JavaScript, CSS. Atom offers a built-in package manager called APM to install packages developed by Atom developers and third-party developers. Atom is built on top of Chromium-based desktop application framework. The user can tweak atom UI. […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Brackets on Debian/Ubuntu…

[![Brackets](]( Adobe Brackets (once known as Edge) is an Open-Source cross-platform source/text editor for Web development written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Brackets is free and licensed under the MIT License and maintained on GitHub. Currently, Brackets has yet to achieve version 1.0. It gets updates roughly twice a month. Brackets, at the time, is under […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Brackets on Debian/Ubuntu

Brackets is an editor for Web development written in HTML, CSS and JavaScript, Brackets is created by Adobe Systems. Its is a free software licensed under the MIT License, and is maintained on [GitHub]( Brackets has not achieved 1.0, Brackets is under active development and roughly twice a month a new Sprint release of Brackets […]

Posted inArticles, Linux

Rutorrent on Debian

Rtorrent is a text-based ncurses BitTorrent client written in C++ based on the LibTorrent libraries for Unix. Rtorrent is very minimal and takes very few system resources. On high-bandwidth connections, It claims to be able to seed at three times the speed of the official BitTorrent client. Rtorrent is a package available for various Linux […]