Animating is a very time-consuming process and one of the longest tasks in some pipeline of production. To speed up the artist Blender offers keyboard shortcuts that can save you insignificant amounts of time, in doing things like playback, frame rate or even view frame by frame.
Piston Engine model work in progress in Blender
 Working on a hard surface piston model to practice hard surface modeling.
How to install Blender on Mac
Blender is a free production ready open-source 2D/3D Animation software package that is used by studios and individuals to create stunning artwork, animated films, models, packshots, VFX, 3D printing and video game development. It is also one of the few software that offers GPU rendering (Cycles Renderer). Currently, it only supports CUDA GPU and has … Read more
Procedural Texturing in Blender
Learning Procedural texturing in Blender 2.76