Custom shelf in Maya

Maya by default comes with shelves that contain various tools for different divisions of works like Animating and Modeling. If you prefer to have your own shelf with the tools you prefer, that are not already part of any of the shelves, you can add tools with a simple keyboard shortcut or by using MEL … Read more

Tricks to get good at things

I spend most of my time, trying to learn new things and try to improve on things I already know, it might be a skill a technique, theory, or practical task. It was nice to know things, knowing a lot of things is also a good thing, but having the right knowledge, which can be … Read more

Ghost Material(Ghost)

[Loading…]( Ghost Material is a clean, simple responsive and snappy theme for Ghost blogging platform built with Google’s Material Design library. It supports devices of all screen sizes and live tile update for Windows 8/8.1 and 10 for users who use Microsoft Edge and IE. Works with any version of Ghost above 0.6.x All of … Read more