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Guake Terminal on Ubuntu

Guake is a drop-down terminal for GNOME Desktop Environment. Like similar terminals, it is invoked with a single keystroke, and hidden by pressing the same keystroke again. Its design was inspired from consoles in computer games such as Quake which slide down from the top of the screen when a key is pressed and slide […]

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Transmission on Ubuntu

Transmission is a free BitTorrent client with a simple interface, Ubuntu comes bundled with Transmission in the official build, Transmission is set as the default BitTorrent client for Ubuntu. However the version of Transmission bundled with Ubuntu is not always latest depending on the Ubuntu distribution version, we can get the latest stable version of […]

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PHP 5.6 Beta on Ubuntu

PHP also known as Pre HTML Processor is a server-sided language used for web development, it is built for writing web pages and web application. It is one of the most popular languages used by web developers. The source code is server-sided which means that the client can’t access the code and can only see […]

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Go on Ubuntu

Go also known as golang, is a programming language developed at Google. It is a statically typed language with syntax loosely derived from that of C, Go feature an automatic memory management and type safety. You can learn more about Go from Wikipedia. We will be installing Go using Gophers PPA. This PPA will install […]