Static site generators

Static sites are the fast, secure and easy to create and manage, it is also the fastest in load up time. It’s the best way to serve content, if all you want to serve is static. Its can handle higher traffic because it does not require any pre-processing. Its also one of the oldest ways … Read more


It let the user focus on what they were writing, and not what they were trying to make thing look like as they write. Markdown, hmm, What is that? Markdown is a simplified text-to-HTML conversion that, make web content writing easier for web writers and focuses to make content writing easier and fun. Over time … Read more

Flat File vs Database driven CMS

These days there are a lot of CMS’s being rapidly developed, the most eye-catching CMS’s currently being developed is the flat-file type, which does not rely on a Database, and seem to be a replacement, for their Database driven CMS, the main question are what is a flat file CMS? How does it work? how … Read more

Node.js on OSX

Node.js is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment for server-side and networking applications. Node.js applications are written in JavaScript, If you are not already familiar with what Node.js is, you can learn more over it from here. We will be using Homebrew to install Node.js, Homebrew makes it more easier to install and upgrade Node.js. … Read more

MacVim on OSX

MacVim is a text/source editor for Mac that offers Vim built around GUI, that comes with extra features and support Mac-based keyboard shortcuts, which makes it very handy to use, MacVim added interactive interface like menus to tasks that had to be done using commands or keyboard shortcuts. It’s like GVim on Linux. Installing Homebrew … Read more