Static site generators

Static sites are the fast, secure and easy to create and manage, it is also the fastest in load up time.

It’s the best way to serve content, if all you want to serve is static.

Its can handle higher traffic because it does not require any pre-processing.

Its also one of the oldest ways of creating websites, before pre-processors existed, people wrote website, pages and web content manually, but you really don’t have to, these days there are static site generator, which let you use pre-processors to build static content in a much easier and hassle free way, it also makes managing content easier and some of the static site generators can completely be a replacement to a CMS.

A lot of bloggers go with a static site generator, mainly because hosting a static site is cheaper and sometimes free, there are hosting options like GitHub Pages, Netlifty and many others.

The best place you can use a static site generator when you need to serve content that is not updated regularly or dynamic, it good for a blog, if you prefer writing in files instead of using a front-end interface that uses a Database to store content.

Usage of client sided scripting languages like JavaScript can make you static site serve dynamic content, you can getting commenting services like Disqus to have comment in a static site.

The most popular static site generator is Jekyll, it’s written in Ruby, but if you want more flexibility you can use Metalsmith. I have used both and recommend Jekyll for beginners, due to well-written documentation, community support, and user-friendly design.

Static sites are secure because they don’t have to communicate Database, so hacking and SQL Injection kinds of attack don’t work on them.

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