Ghost is an open source blogging platform written in Node.js, It offers a simple and user-friendly User Interface that lets you manage posts, pages and users It also uses Handlebars for Theme templating. It is one of the most user-friendly and easy to use blogging platform and has a dead simple install instruction. It let you write your blog posts and pages in markdown with a markdown preview, that parses markdown in real time. It also lets you add media and other post/page assets with a simple drag and drop. Ghost also has a very responsive design that lets you use it in comfort in every form factor and size.
How to fix horizontal scroll in Twitter Bootstrap
Twitter Bootstrap is a CSS library that lets you build website rapidly and let you focus on web development instead of writing lots of (CSS) and reinventing the wheel. If your content focuses more on code has large strings of code that need to have horizontal scroll instead of blotting in a specific area. You … Read more