Autodesk Maya 2018 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Autodesk Maya is a multi-platform feature rich 3D Animation software developed by Autodesk. It is the industry standard in Animation, Visual Effects and Games industry, known for its flexibility and capability for the production pipeline.

It is a closed source paid software, which comes with various licenses and paid plans.

They also offer student and education license.

You can grab a copy of Maya for Linux from here.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is a supported operating system by Autodesk.

If you are looking for installing Maya on Fedora, you can read about it here.

This article assumes you have basic knowledge of Terminal and does not cover the basics of Terminal.

If are already in superuser(su -), you can skip adding sudo before commands.

Let’s get the dependencies rolling.

Install the required dependencies.

sudo yum -y install mesa-libGLw mesa-libGLU libXp libXmu libXt libXi libXext libX11 libXinerama libXau libxcb gamin e2fsprogs-libs glibc zlib libSM libICE tcsh xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-100dpi xorg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi liberation-mono-fonts liberation-fonts-common liberation-sans-fonts liberation-serif-fonts libpng12 libtiff compat-openssl10-1:1.0.2o-3.el8.x86_64
Code language: CSS (css)

Soft link libtiff to the right version as required.

cd /usr/lib64  
sudo ln -s

Extract the archive and set it as the current directory.

tar -xvf Autodesk_Maya_2018_EN_Linux_64bit.tgzCode language: CSS (css)
cd Autodesk_Maya_2018_EN_Linux_64bit

Launch the setup.

sudo ./setup

Run through the setup and it should install Maya successfully.

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