Posted inArticles, Tutorials

Sitemap for Wintersmith

Sitemap helps Search Engine index your website. It give the search engine a list of all the links available. If you don’t have a sitemap your website might not be indexed correctly and only some links will be shown in search result. Wintersmith is a really good static site generator. I have written a template […]

Posted inRaspberry Pi, Tutorials

Docpad on Raspberry Pi

Docpad is an open source static document/website generator written in Node.js, Docpad lets you choose the way it builds static documentation/website with the help of plugins, Docpad has a build in plugin manager that uses NPM to install `node modules` that are used by Docpad and required by plugins as dependencies, Some plugin makes Docpad […]

Posted inArticles, Raspberry Pi, Tutorials

Sass on Raspberry Pi

Sass also known as Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets is a stylesheet scripting language that is interpreted into Cascading Style Sheet also known as CSS. Sass consists of two syntaxes, The original syntax, called “the indented syntax”, uses a syntax similar to Haml, It uses indentation to separate code blocks and newline characters to separate rules, it […]