Linux Kernel 4.3 on Ubuntu

[Linux Kernel]( 4.3 ships with *20.6* million lines of code with support for [Skylake]( lines of CPU by [Intel]( So Skylake based hardware can run efficiently with good stability.

The performance improvement is noticeable on some hardware’s running this build of Kernel on Ubuntu based Linux distributions (I have not worked on this personally these are according to user reports).

This is a stable release, Linux Kernel 4.4 will be the LTS (Long Term Service) build currently in RC-2.

The steps below can be used on Ubuntu and Ubuntu-based Linux distributions to upgrade the Kernel.


It’s really easy to install it on Ubuntu or Ubuntu based Linux distributions. But first, you need to know which build you’re using 64 Bit or 32 Bit.

You can check this by using this command.

uname -r

Download these packages (The install process is the same).

64 Bit. {#64bit}

wget wget [](



</div>#### 32 Bit. {#32bit}

<div class="highlighter-rouge">```



Installing the packages that we just downloaded.

sudo dpkg -i linux-*.deb

Updating the bootloader.

sudo update-grub

Now you can reboot the system to switch to the new Kernel you have just installed.

If you have issue this Kernel builds you can uninstall it with a few steps.

sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-4.3* linux-image-4.3*

Removing dependencies permanently that are not required by the system.

sudo apt-get auto remove; sudo apt-get clean

Thank you for reading, if you have any questions leave a comment below.