Package Control on Sublime Text 3

What is Package Control?

Package Control is a package manager developed by Will Bond. Package Control can be used for downloading and installing plugins, Color Scheme and extensions developed by third party developers, The Package Control is really very useful because it can be always be used to add more features to Sublime Text.


The Package Control is written Python which makes it very easy to install and develop packages for it.

  • Go here.
  • Copy the code from the link above.
  • Open Sublime Text 3.
  • The built-in Console of Sublime Text 3 by visiting to Menu > Views > Show Console

The Console would look like the image below.

Sublime Text 3 Console
  • Paste the code in the Console that you have copied from the link above.

You may require restarting Sublime Text 3

  • Access your Package Control by visiting Menu > Preferences > Package Control.

You package control must look like this

Sublime Text 3 Package Control

We now have Package Control installed on Sublime Text 3. The Color Scheme used in the screenshot is Solarized (Light).

If you have any problem with the steps above feel free to leave a comment below.