Hexo on Raspberry Pi

Hexo is a fast, simple, and powerful blog framework powered by Node.js that uses EJS as its default templating engine, it also supports Handlebars and Jade as an alternative templating engine. Hexo also supports CSS preprocessor Stylus, Sass, Scss and Less. Hexo plugins can be built in Node.js. Hexo offer a _config.yml for themes this lets theme developers and custom strings and options to their theme without having to change the main _config.yml and disturb the default or stock config or cause any issue. Hexo compiles output faster than most static website/blog frameworks/generators.


To install Node.js on Raspbian/PiBang or Debian based Linux distribution for Raspberry Pi follow this guide

If you are running Arch Linux ARM on your Raspberry Pi.

pacman -S nodejs  

Once we get Node.js installed on our Raspberry Pi, we can install Hexo.

npm install -g hexo  

Creating a Hexo based website

hexo init Blog  

cd into Blog

cd Blog  

Run npm install.

npm install  

Your folder structure should look something like this.

├── _config.yml
├── package.json
├── scaffolds
├── scripts
├── source
|   ├── _drafts
|   └── _posts
└── themes

You can edit the _config.yml to customize the static generation or edit the _config.yml in the themes/<theme-name> to customize the theme. </theme-name>

Now generate static files.

hexo generate  

You can view the Hexo documentation to learn more.