**[](http://blog-darryldias.rhcloud.com/2013/04/archbang-archlinux-with-a-openbox/2011-10-01-192203_1024x768_scrot/)ArchBang Linux** is a simple lightweight rolling release Linux distribution based on a minimal Arch Linux system with the Openbox window manager. ArchBang is especially suitable for high performance on old or low-end hardware with limited resources. It woks on high performance hardware also very efficiently. ArchBang’s aim is to provide a simple out-of-the-box Arch-based Linux distribution with pre-configured Openbox desktop suite, adhering to Arch principles.
ArchBang has been recommended as a fast installation methord for ArchLinux for people who have experience installing Arch but want to avoid the more comman way to install ArchLinux on a PC. ArchBang is available in i686 or x86_64/amd64 cd-image for LiveCD installing or installed on a USB flash drive.
The Archbang live CD is designed to allow the user to test the operating system prior to installation.
The LiveCD/CD-image can be downloaded from below:
ArchBang Official website can be visited by clicking the button below