
This is a list of things I use and recommend.

Notes-taking apps.

Tools I use to organize my work and personal projects.

Milanote – Great for creating boards to plan projects and manage notes in a more drag-and-drop fashion. Link to the app.

Workflowy – Great outliner/notes-taking app. I use this to organize my research notes in an outline format. Link to the app

Software development toolkit.

Software and tools I use for my software/web development workflow

GitKraken – A GUI Git client that offers a simple and interactive interface to work with large Git-based projects, Link to the app.


VPN services I use and recommend.

Windscribe – A VPN I have been using for some time now, offers unlimited devices, Link to the service.

3D Artist

The software and services I use as a 3D Artist that help me be more productive and improve my workflow.

Render Farms.

SheepIt Render farm – A community render farm, you earn points when you let others render on your machine and spend points when you render your project and link to the service.

Fox renderfarm – A render farm that most of the popular DCC. Link to the service.