Daily Sculpt #4 Rework on older sculpt in ZBrush
The before and after progress of anatomy my sculpture
3D Artist and Cloud Computing Specialist
The before and after progress of anatomy my sculpture
Practicing sculpting Face muscle in ZBrush to see how far my understanding of anatomy has reached.
Attempt to sculpt baby Groot in Blender 2.78c, to see how much my sculpting skills have improved.
I have decided to publish my daily sculpt practice on YouTube, so I could track my improvement over time. Software: Blender 2.78
While testing OpenToonz 2D animation software, I a hand drew a box squashing and stretching animation sequence with my Wacom Bamboo tablet (CTH-661), which helped me test how OpenToonz handled the tablet and responded with pressure sensitivity, It was fun creating this but the software had issues registering pen clicks at times and rendering certain … Read more