GitLab CE on Ubuntu

GitLab CE (Community Edition) is an open-source self-hosted Git Server that can be hosted on any server that meets its requirements. It’s easy to install and set up. It gives you the freedom you want with your Git repository and projects.

You can install GitLab on your Ubuntu Server by following the steps below.

If you are planning to get a VPS that will host your GitLab server, I recommend Digital Ocean.

We are installing dependencies used by GitLab.

sudo apt-get install curl openssh-server ca-certificates postfixCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

We are installing GitLab repository.

curl | sudo bashCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Installing GitLab

sudo apt-get install gitlab-ceCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

If you are having issues downloading the package, then try this method using. apt-fast

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:saiarcot895/myppa sudo apt-get update
Code language: JavaScript (javascript)

Now download the GitLab package with apt-fast.

sudo apt-fast gitlab-ce

Once this is done. You can configure GitLab.

sudo gitlab-ctl reconfigure

The default user account credentials are:

username: root

password: 5iveL!fe

It’s ready, and now you can visit your private GitLab and start pushing your code.

Thank you for reading.

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