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Day Scene (Room Lighting)

![](×360/n/ image has been compressed and white differ from the actual render. I lit the scene to look like an early morning. Only three lights were used, one area light and two spotlights. The file was created by CGCookie

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Multitasking leads to failure

In this age and time, we are surrounded by technology that was once a man’s dream and only part of Sci-Fi movies, now being part of our daily lives. Today our smartphone has a higher rate of processing power than all the computational power NASA had when man landed on the moon. Today we have […]

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Facebook’s Keyframe

*Image source:* Facebook recently open sourced its Keyframe library that powers it’s reaction emoji, that you can find to the left of the like button. Keyframe lets Adobe After Effects shape into animation data that can run on iOS and Android device. This is more of an overview if you want to view further […]