Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

Microsoft recently announced Visual Studio Code at its BUILD conference. Visual Studio Code is a free build of Visual Studio that supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. Visual Studio Code is built for developers who focus on ASP.NET or Node.js. It has Git integration. It’s an excellent source/text editor currently in its preview stage and supports a few of these languages JavaScript, C#, C++, PHP, Java, HTML, Markdown, SASS, JSON, and Python. The preview stage might have a few bugs as it currently lives in the development stage.

Installing Visual Studio.

Install ubuntu-make required for installing Visual Studio Code.

Adding the ubuntu-make PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu-make

Updating the local package database.

sudo apt-get updateCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Installing ubuntu-make.

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-makeCode language: JavaScript (javascript)

Downloading Visual Studio Code for Linux here

Installing Visual Studio Code.

umake web visual-studio-code

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