PageKit (preview)

PageKit is an open source CMS (Content Management System) written in PHP, build using Symphony components and Vue.js, developed by YooTheme.

It has a very clean and easy to use admin interface inspired by Google’s Material Design, that contains customizable widgets.

It offers 3rd party developers to develop themes and plugins(extensions), plugin and theme dependencies are managed by composer, which reduces the amount of manual labor for a user, and fewer things to manage for a programmer/coder.

PageKit offers both SQLite and MySQL support, so you can choose what suits best for you.

I discovered PageKit while searching for a CMS that has a well-written codebase, uses composer to manage dependencies and can work with SQLite, you might know, I am not a big fan of MySQL if you have read my earlier posts over other CMSs.

I have been observing this project since I had discovered it, it has a higher potential than most other CMS out there, specifically CMSs that support SQLite.

According to my vision the day PageKit full fills all the common CMS requirements and reaches 1.0, it will already be a big competitor for most of the popular CMS out there.

Once PageKit has well-written documentation and stable codebase, with common feature support which is currently work in progress for the developers, it will be the CMS I would recommend everyone.

This CMS is one of the second CMS I would recommend after Grav

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