Sublime Text – Install on Fedora Using a YUM

**Sublime Text** is a cross-platform text and source code editor, with a Python API. Its functionality is also extendable with sublime-packages; it is not open source software nor free software, but some extending packages have free-software licenses and are community-built and maintained. The user interface is pretty reminiscent of [vim](

Sublime Text Editor

The beauty of Sublime Text comes from its ability to highlight syntax from practically any programming language. It is lightweight and as far as editing of source code files is concerned Sublime Text is pure gold. It is good for application programming like C, C++, Java, etc. along with web programming like JavaScript, CSS, HTML and on goes the list. In addition, it has a very useful autocomplete feature that will be more useful than not.

Sublime Screenshot
Install Sublime Text Editor in Fedora Linux & Red Hat Linux


Installation of Sublime Text

Step 1: Setup the Unofficial Sublime Text 2 repository:

wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/sublime2.repo

Step 2: Install Sublime Text 2:

sudo yum -y install sublime-text

Step 3: Enjoy!

Do let us know your views on this useful tool…